Monday, 3 September 2012

Crockstead - Eventers Challenge

Went to Crockstead this weekend, I've not been there for years.

I did the Eventers Challenge on Esther and Woody(for sale!).

Esther won she just had the one fence down but was fast! 

Woody has never done XC or a set of 20 fences.  He's only really been out for clear round jumping. I was late for the 80cm so I thought we would give the 90cm a go! 

We stopped at the first fence twice then after that he was a bit wobbly to number two and then he was away. I was so pleased with him - he jumped up and down banks and ditches and the XC fences.  He's going to make someone a very nice allrounder!

Woody jumping at home with Lauren

Firle - 25/26 August 2012

Firle wasn't the best weekend!!

First was Juno in the 4YO class she did her best dressage to date with 25.5 the best in her section. Two down SJ which was unlucky because I felt she jumped the best round.
XC we got eliminated for three stops. 

Tango did the BE90, he had a super dressage too 24 one down and xc he had a cheeky run out which was really annoying because he would have been 2nd! 

I did the CIC* with Lady and her dressage was on the Saturday she scored a 53.1 which I was pleased with. The SJ is not her best phase we had 3 down. Cross Country is her best phase and we went clear with a few time penalties which she normally wouldn't have but I do need to get her fitter, she's had limited runs this season! 

Lady before CIC* dressage

Ollie was in the IN - I thought I would enter him into this because he does the SJ so well and he needed something more challenging! His dressage was 32 which I was really pleased with as I was practising my sitting trot for weeks!! His trot is so uncomfortable to sit to! He had a fab clear SJ and found it easy. In the XC we got eliminated at the ditch - well he wouldn't go near it! It was an inviting ditch going into a  rack with a waterfall running though the ditch - far too scary for Ollie so I walked home again!

Borde Hill (UA) 18/19 August 2012

I took Ollie, Esther, Prima and Tango to Borde Hill unaffiliated which made for a busy weekend although thankfully there was only 2 for each day!

Prima had a 35 dressage two down SJ and clear inside the time XC. She ended up on 43 and came 9th.

Esther had a great 26 dressage one down and clear inside the time (or at least I thought!) XC.  She was given 20 penalties at the water she did hesitate but didn't step back or exceed the 10 second rule for standing there. I did complain about the 20 penalties but it unfortunately stood which I felt unfair, it is a shame as without the 20 penalties she would have won.

Tango came 7th with  34.5 dressage, unfortunate 2 down SJ but another super clear XC.

Ollie redeemed himself after the stumble in the Novice at Chilham and came 3rd in the Novice. He had a 32.5 dressage, clear SJ and clear XC with 7.2 time penalties.

SRC ODE - Lodge Farm 12 August 2012

I went to Sevenoaks Riding Club ODE at Lodge Farm in Matfield ODE.

I took Prima, Esther and Ollie. Esther and Prima were both in the 85 cm.

Esther did a fab test of 27 and even scored two 9s! Clear SJ so in the lead and had a stupid stop xc which was a shame. 

Esther - Poppinghole Patchwork

Prima is another new ride owned and bred by Fiona Cialfi.  Fiona has bred many  eventers and owned the TB stallionMore Pokey who evented very successfully at ** and Intermediate level.

Prima was only backed earlier in the season and has done very well and behaves well at events.She still has a lot to learn and I need to work with her SJ she's keen to fly at the jumps which sometimes means we drop the back rail off.

She had a 29.5 dressage and she had quite a few down SJ and two run outs xc. So it wasn't our day but all good event experience for her.

Prima - Pokeys Pioneer

I did the 1m with Ollie he had a 28 dressage and a fab clear SJ round like always! Clear XC jumped in the water perfect and didn't go swimming this time! 

Ollie came 3rd he was a little slow so had time faults otherwise we would have won. 

Ollie - Cullawn Warrior

Ollie and Esther had the best dressage in their sections.

Chilham Park - 4/5 August 2012

My next event was Chilham Park where I took Ollie in the Novice, Juno in the 4YO and Tango in the BE90.

Tanog had a good day and came 3rd with 29.5 dressage, 1 down and clear XC.

Juno had a 35 dressage, 1 down SJ which is pretty good for her and then off to the XC which is her weakest phase - started off flying around and she was taking me to all the fences then came to a ditch palisade which I knew she would look at (and she did!) she's not keen on ditches.  She had a stop there then came round the second time and went to go but then decided in the end she wouldn't and I fell off - inflated air jacket!

Ollie was the next day on the Sunday.  It was his first Novice run as Brightling was cancelled.  He had a 34 dressage, fab clear round SJ and started the XC brilliantly jumped everything foot perfect until the water.....

Photos - Spidge Photography

As you can see he stumbled on landing and we both went down so near the end!  I was really disappointed as he was going so well.  It was a pretty bad fall but we were both very lucky and just a bit stiff!