Wednesday 22 December 2010

Abbey View Equine Social Media Awards - Nominations close Christmas Eve midday!

Check out Abbey View Equine Social Media Awards

If you enjoy my blog, twitter and facebook updates please nominate me. Nominations close on Christmas eve at midday!

Thank you

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Happy Christmas!

A festive picture!

Happy Christmas & a great New Year to everyone.

More snow again - so inconvenient with horses I'd like to get back into the normal routine. It's just a shame we don't have an indoor school, that would solve a lot of problems! Santa if you're reading.........

Tuesday 14 December 2010

RVRC - Christmas SJ - Sunday 12 December 2010

I was due to take Tango to my riding club's (Rother Valley) Xmas SJ at Bedgebury Park. I got Tango loaded and ready to go but the lorry wouldn't start!!! I managed to get it started with jump leads but for various reasons was not able to make it which was a real pity!

I still went as I was also due to ride Marilyn Warwick's horse Beau, who I regularly school.

I did the 2'9" - 3' class as well as the Puissance! There were only 3 clears in the 2'9, Beau unfortunately got 4 faults just glancing the top plank jump 6. He did a great round though and jumps so nicely. All the schooling is definitely working and he really is very responsive and a pleasure to jump.

I haven't really been jumping him much higher than 3' and that has just been at his stables in the school. He's only done a few courses recently. Marilyn was happy for me to take him in the Puissance and very glad we did as he won! Really pleased with him he really tried and ended up clearing just over 4'. Sorry no pictures of this one it was getting dark and my friend took some pictures but they are too blurry! So afraid you won't get to see me with a santa hat over my riding hat!

Bedgebury is really nice venue and it's great to see it being used again and all the work that is going into it to make it top class. They hold clear round on Wednesday and course hire on Thursdays so I think I'll be taking some of mine over to get some winter practice in. They also have a winter series of unaffilated dressage and affilated which is great with Bedgebury being one of nearest venues to me.

South East Eventers League (SEEL) Ball - Saturday 4 December 2010

photo taken by: Lulu Kyriacou

Had a great time at the SEEL Seahorse Ball on Saturday 4 December. A group of 12 friends came to enjoy the evening at the Hop Farm in Paddock Wood.

Holly and I were placed in two of the categories this year - 2nd in the Leading Mare and 6th in the Leading Owner/Rider.

There was less opportunity this year for Holly and I to gain lots of points as we are competing at Open Intermediate and also moved up to Advanced.

Dinner at the ball was melon (must admit I prefer my fruit for pudding!) traditional turkey dinner and chocolate fudge cake. The chocolate fudge cake was huge! I put all of the left over cake onto one plate and we challenged Matthew to eat the lot - he did very well but didn't quite manage it!

As usual lots of drinks were consumed and I spent a large part of the evening on the Bronco Bull. I was leading for most of the evening on 64 seconds. Pipped at the post by Sam Penn who managed to stay on for 70 seconds I couldn't better it with my best score being 67 seconds! I have really been feeling the pain though with blisters on my knees and they are only just healing!

I spotted Sharon Hunt and Sasha Pemble on the bull too! I also saw Alex Hua Tian who was collecting an award.

The SEEL is great and there are so many people that put in a lot of effort to make sure the league keeps running and obviously all of the sponsors too who are very generous.

Fingers crossed for next year - who knows with Lady now back in work she may feature in the Leading Mare again!!

Thursday 18 November 2010

Goodbye Duffy!

Duffy ("Cullawn Celtic King") left for his new home this morning. Very sad to see him go but I couldn't have wished for a better home for him.

Thank you Ceri for choosing Duffy I hope you have as much fun and success as I did with him.

Thankfully Duffy hasn't moved far and I look forward to following his progress with Ceri next year!

Not sure what to do with myself now - one less to ride!!

Tuesday 17 August 2010


A few more pictures of Tango and Lady's foal (see what we've done with the name - Tango- lady!

These were taken by Laurance when Tandy was 2 days old. She's growing very fast and getting very cheeky, hopefully put some updated pictures on soon.

Monday 16 August 2010

Sevenoaks RC - ODE 15 August 2010

Another busy week finished ready to start another busy week!

When I'm not competing I usually have Sundays off so last week has been a 7 day week but a very productive one!

I took Tango and Bobby to the Sevenoaks Riding Club Unaffilated ODE yesterday. It's a lovely event and always well set up. I was also riding Marilyn Warwick's horse Beau who I've been schooling regularly. Fantastic result with Beau, he won his class with 31 dressage and just 5 time penalties XC. Bobby unfortunately spooked at another horse who was warming up by the arena but still got a respectable 31.5 in his dressage. I've never done a dressage test in an arena on Tango and it was his so he did really well getting 36.5. He can fight a little when I take up the contact and put his head up so this is where we lost the marks, still very good though for his first competition and encouraging.

Beau had a clear SJ, Bobby went clear with 1 time penalty. Tango unfortunately had the last one down but otherwise went well.

Sevenoaks RC were very accommodating, as I had 3 to ride in the same class the timings were a problem. I was the last to go XC and jumped Beau, Bobby then Tango to finish. Marilyn and Dad were lined up with each of them and as soon as I finished one I was on the next!

Beau and Bobby both went clear, Bobby picking up 6 more time penalties than Beau. Tango was eliminated at the water, which was at the end of the course. It was a little frustrating but all in all for his first event I am delighted with him, especially as he is a stallion and he was very well behaved and level headed. I'll be taking him to Lodge Farm on Wednesday to get him going through the water! I rode Bobby and Tango both HC, Bobby would have ended up 6th.

I've entered Holly in Firle Open Novice to hopefully have a confidence boosting clear XC. Then hopefully be doing South of England or Twesledown. Can't believe we are heading towards the end of the season already!

Friday 13 August 2010

Long overdue post - not enough hours in the day, week, year!!

I find myself apologising again for the lack of blog entries!! Just realised it's Friday the 13th!

I have been so busy recently any spare time I have I'm too tired to do anything!

Most exciting news recently is that James and I bought a house!!! I'm spending every spare hour sanding walls, ripping up skirting boards and painting. It's looking a bit bare at the moment and trying to get the furniture we need.

I have been working very hard on the yard too. Holly, Corby, Bobby and Tango to ride every day at the moment. Duffy has had a little break so I can concentrate on Tango and I've also been given the opportunity to school a few more horses which has been great. I've been schooling Beau for a while now and am also schooling Pandora a sweet Welsh mare who is at the same stables.

Also helping bring on a lovely coloured mare, first sat on her on Tuesday and she was very good considering she has only recently been backed.

I'm taking Bobby and Tango to the Sevenoaks Riding Club ODE on Sunday which I'm looking forward too, I'll also be riding Beau there.

I had a great lesson with Sharon Hunt a few weeks ago, she was so friendly and helpful. Holly hasn't been on form recently we've had a few problems XC since moving up to Advanced. Hopefully with Sharon's advice we'll be back on track soon. Holly is such a lovely mare that I don't want to rush things so I'll bring her back down a level or two to get her confidence back up and go from there.

We were due to compete at my favourite event The Festival of British Eventing at Gatcombe as we'd qualified for the Intermediate British Championships. Laurance kindly paid for this event and I was really looking forward to going. I withdrew Holly though as although disappointing it really is a championship standard course and as we're not quite on key at the moment I thought it best to get some confidence boosting rounds in first. Very well done to Sharon Hunt on her 2nd in the Novice Championships. My lesson was just before Gatcombe and I'd said to Sharon how much I love the event, I'm really pleased she is doing so well especially after the disappointment of the WEG selection. It is lovely at Bedgebury they've made some real improvements and I'm looking forward to going back.

As well as all the yard work and riding I did a bit of painting and decorating to earn some extra money to help with events and the mortgage (can't believe I've got a mortgage to pay now!) I'm also still working in the pub. Not quite sure how I got through those weeks first thing at the yard, decorating 8-12, then back up the yard to ride and some evenings working in the pub!

Lady's foal is doing really well and growing, she is very cheeky!

Must sit down and plan the next events. Hopefully maybe get a few more points to help towards the SEEL Rankings with Holly, before we know it it'll be November anyway and the ball! Not sure where this year has gone!

I'll plan to do another update next week after the Sevenoaks Riding Club ODE!

TTFN, Lisa

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Lady's foal is here!!!!!! - 14 July 2010

So exciting - Lady's foal arrived this morning about 2-3am. A gorgeous bay filly foal!! Lady was very clever and delivered her by herself, Mum and Dad checked on Lady at Midnight and there was no sign of a foal when Dad got to the stables around 6am there they were!

Still thinking about names, any suggestions let me know!

Monday 12 July 2010

I'm back!!

Can't believe it has been so long since I updated the blog, getting a bit behind with the admin!!

Lots has been happening, been very busy working (on and off the yard) especially to pay for events and training!

Having a good season with lots of good results. One unfortuate result with Corby he would have come 6th at BCA but 20 penalties was incorrectly put against us instead of the rider in front who refused and should have been eliminated at the fence. We ended up 21st very disappointed especially as it costs so much (time and money) to event. We'd gone home knowing that we'd done a double clear and I was expecting to come about 8th and knew I'd forfeit the rosette but when Mum and I have a yard full of horses to sort out when we get home thought we get on the road. We couldn't then object within the 30 minute rule and that was that! Anyway rant over (for this post anyway!).

I will sit down and draft a full report of what I've been up to in the last couple of months and hopefully get it posted this week or next.

Another busy week this week with preperations for Brightling. I'm taking Holly in the CIC**, Corbster in the BE100 and little Bobster in the BE90, future superstar!

Finally sorry to all who may have visted the blog and seen it is way out of date!!

Not quite finally - finally the most important and exciting news....... Lady is due to foal any day now watch here for updates and I'll post a picture!

TTFN!! Lisa

Monday 24 May 2010

Hot Weather, plus Houghton Hall with Holly Hot Lips!

What lovely weather, although in a very British way I'd say a little too hot for riding! I jumped Holly late yesterday evening as it was far too hot to do so comfortably in the day!

We're off to Houghton Hall for the 3 day ** which I'm really looking forward to. I'll be double checking the red and white flags when walking the XC!

Corby had a good result at Mattingly coming 9th in the BE100, he had a 29.5 dressage which is good but he didn't go quite so well as he usually does so probably lost a few marks.

Mum was elimated with Sam on the XC, unfortunately there was a change on the course at the water, not having to jump in the water, Mum still jumped in the water and got eliminated, on the plus side she had a great round with Sam and he jumped everything and would have gone clear.

Monday 19 April 2010

Belton Report - Advanced (U25)

The day started at about 4 am on Saturday morning, leaving the yard at around 5 am to get to Belton for my 11:37 dressage! Mum, me, Holly and my friend Anna were packed into the lorry for the trek up to Lincolnshire. The benefit of leaving so early in the morning is that there is hardly any other vehicles on the road!

The journey was relatively straightforward until we got to the end of the M11 to join the A1, we had a few issues there and ended up going back on ourselves and having about a 20 minute detour! We didn't have a Sat Nav (no where to plug it in the lorry!) we had printed out directions although they aren't much use when you go off route! Anna found an old map down the back of the seat that had been savaged by the Jack Russells, several pages missing chunks but thankfully not the pages we needed! Got back to where we should have been and all was well until we were very close to Belton! We turned left at some traffic lights, which is what the directions said and ended up in the middle of a built up residential area. We saw a group of builders up some scaffolding and stopped to ask them directions. Unfortunately Anna didn't get their names but they were really helpful and drew us some directions that were spot on! Moral of the story - listen to Mum she's always right and knows where she's going!

Arrived at Belton to beautiful sunshine it was such a lovely place! So many smart horses boxes very envious of many of them especially the ones with living areas! I dream one day of owning a lovely smart box with my XC colours on it (you'd definitely see it coming - those who have seen my XC colours will know why!).

It was all set out really well at Belton and there were loads of trade stands, lots for all the visitors to see with dog agility, classic cars, driving and showjumping, I saw William Whitaker go round!


I started warming Holly up for her dressage about 10:50. It always takes a long time to get Holly going well as she is tense to start with and gets really excited, just wants to get on with the jumping bits! Before we were called to go in she was going nicely and had relaxed a little so I was hoping for an ok test. When going round the arena the Judge sounded the horn. We went past the entrance again as not quite ready, unfortunately this upset the Judge and I was told not to go past the entrance once the bell has sounded as they would run over time. I'm aware of the 45 second rule and was sorry to have upset the Judge, a lesson learned for the future. The poor Judge though, the next competitor did exactly the same as me!

The test was ok, I was pleased with her flying changes. She broke in the half pass and was tense in the walk, there was a lot going on around and she's not used to really big events like this so all good experience. Ended up with a 45.9 which wasn't too bad I think about 12th after the dressage. Some nice comments from both judges about Holly and given me pointers on what to work on.


Not much to say here apart from what a little superstar! We were one of only 4 that had a SJ clear, so pleased with her. After the great clear round we'd moved up to around 6th.

Horsepower Photography

Cross Country

We'd walked the course on Saturday. Didn't really like the look of the corner at no 5. It was causing quite a few riders concerns and subsequently was changed slightly, although I chose to take the long route here as did several other riders, I heard on the PA system that Andrew Nicholson had gone the long route so that confirmed it for me! The fence I was worried about most was no 4 just because of the width of it, a huge white tabletop! The drop into the water was also one I was a little worried about although Mum more than me!

Everything jumped fine. Now for the most irritating bit...... number 13! Number 13 was a long bar with a corner with some wooden squirrels in front of it! It was after a big rail into a clump of trees. Holly jumped number 12 really big, I tried to turn left but just didn't get her to it right and we had a run out taking the red flag with us. I circled and came back and jumped over the left hand part of the jump over the rail and continued on.

It was a long galloping courses and very bold jumps another rail followed soon after with great big boulders underneath it again not a problem for Holly. She jumped the everything else well coming up to the water. The marina complex had a skinny house one stride after house to huge drop! She jumped the house fine then when she landed she saw the great big drop thought about it, thankfully after I jumped the house I'd taken my hand off the rein and had my whip in hand, gave her a tap and she leapt from a standstill down into the water. She is so honest she really didn't have to do that and looked after me there! We splashed through the water and popped over the boat going out. Lots of applause there which was really nice. Anna was videoing this bit, you'll have to look on You Tube when the videos are uploaded she nearly dropped the camera when everyone gasped as Holly leapt off the drop. She said she heard a couple of people saying well sat! I got a fab photo from Horsepower photography!

Horsepower Photography

The cottage after water complex was really wide and I wondered whether we were going to get over that, she did the next sequence beautifully too then over a big chair and to the pig arcs. She jumped the arcs text book and I managed to turn her mid air to the second arc. The down over the marquee, again fine up over the case complex, over the big Bedmax jump then log brush to finish. I was absolutely delighted with her I think we were about a minute and a half over time.

Anna went off to film the course to show my Dad as he was left at home to look after all the horses. We don't have any grooms or any staff so it's a little difficult especially when events have an overnight stay.

After Anna filmed the course she went to see the results. That's when she saw a big E in the XC section. Confused and Anna being Anna she went to find out why I had got eliminated! We'd already had the postmortem after I got back so she knew that I'd rejumped the corner after the refusal although the left hand side of it the rail rather than the actual corner. She explained this to the lady in the information tent, who was very helpful, the information that was relayed back was that I was eliminated because when I retook the fence I jumped the Intermediate fence.

We all didn't understand that as that fence was not in the Intermediate course and that's when we queried it further. This upset a few people unfortunately but I wanted to get the position clear as I hadn't jumped a different fence and as the white flag was on the end of the jump I thought it should have been fine. It then became clear later that there was another white flag on the other end of the jump behind the tree so we hadn't jumped in-between both flags. This is a mistake that I am very annoyed with but one to learn from and I'm sure I'll never do this again when I walk a course I'll be making sure I look for all the flags! It's a shame about the miscommunication as there is no way we would have raised the issue if we hadn't been told that I'd jumped the Intermediate fence, I respect all fence judges and officials for the jobs they do particularly as most are volunteers and so essential and valued. I was in good company though Nicola Wilson unfortunately missed out two jumps and was eliminated in the CIC***.

As it was Holly's first Advanced I'm delighted with how she did, it's been a great education too and that's what it's all about. I've learnt from it and I'd think about how do things differently in the future. Also it was a long galloping course, Holly is fit but I'll be getting her even fitter she was tiring on the straights a little on the way home.

I'm hoping to do the OI at Aston in May then hopefully we will have been accepted for Tatterstalls. I will do another Advanced later on, I was hoping to do the Hartbury 3 day but it is looking extremely unlikely because of funding. We should be going to Blenheim in September though thanks to James' dad!

Videos will be uploaded on You Tube soon!

Thursday 15 April 2010


Sorry it's been a while since I updated my blog! Having a great season so far and I'm so happy to be out competing!

Holly Hot Lips has been fab this year, early days but I think we're still leading in the SEEL (South East Eventers League!) and I am really excited about Belton this weekend! I've got my times now, 11:37 dressage on Saturday, 10:04 SJ on Sunday and 12:00 XC on Sunday! We will be staying at a place about 10 miles away from Belton and Holly will be on site too. After a 2 for our walk at Somerley (well ok she wasn't walking, she was jogging!) I have been walking her on the top field every morning. She just gets so excited at events, particularly around the XC. I also had a dressage lesson this week with Liz West and hopefully have mastered (fingers crossed) our flying changes. We went to Lodge Farm on Wednesday to test out her brakes, decided to stay with the 3 ring on the 2nd hole, it's not that she is being too strong just really keen!

Corby is a little superstar! He has only done a couple of BE100's but his last event at SOE he was very good, tied with Sam Penn (who is having a fantastic season especially with her BYEH champion, Tickerage, he's lovely!) after dressage in his section, just a few time penalties meant we were 10th but I am delighted with him for so little outings he has done very well. It is very sad that he is for sale but he really is the nicest horse and I'm sure because of it will be totally adored wherever he goes! He really is so handsome, I reckon he'd also make a top Working Hunter! I've got a photo from SOE (Julia Shearwood) on order to put him on Horsequest :( !!

Duffy is doing well too, just out of the placings coming 11th at SOE, he and Corby are both entered for Nurstead on 24/25 April. Like all of my horses Duffy has been brought on by me from scratch and I'm sorry that he is for sale too. He always does a nice dressage test and is so bold XC and really looks after his jockey snaffle mouth at all times.

I'll be very sad when the boys go as will be a bit down on horsepower! However, I've got the excitement of doing more with Tango, aiming for the BYEH classes and little Bobby. Bobs really is a lovely mover and I'm looking forward doing Intro events with him later this season. I really enjoy taking the horses through the grades it's so rewarding.

Anyway, I'll write again after the weekend and no doubt I'll be doing some Twitter and Facebook updates over the weekend! As I've only Holly to ride this weekend I'm looking forward to having some time to see the trade stands at Belton and being a spectator too watching the likes of Oliver Townend and Kristina Cook go round!

Thursday 1 April 2010

Somerley Park International (CIC**) - 31 March - 7th!!

I was at Somerley with Holly Tuesday and yesterday for the ** and am pleased to report we came 7th!
There were around 65 starters although 11 withdraw at the SJ because of the conditions. It was really very sticky in the SJ because of the heavy rain particuarly overnight on Tuesday. Only 7 clear rounds in total of which Holly's was one.
I rewalked the XC and thankfully the sun came out and the wind picked up so it dried out a bit, one fence was removed because it was waterlogged. We had a great round XC, one small sticky moment at the water with two skinnies, but got back safely with a nice clear round only about 13 seconds over time (5.2 pens). I used my new watch, first time I've ever gone round with one which I think helped. I remember looking at the watch about half way round and already 4 minutes had gone so I kicked on!
Great result as this helps me to get the qualification I need to do *** later in the year, if I'm able to secure funding!!!
Next event with Holly is Belton on 16 April the Advanced (U25). I'll be at South of England with Duffy and Corby on the 10th.

Saturday 27 March 2010

Well done Corbs!!

Came 1st with Corby at Munstead today, he had the best dressage in his section (26).

Mum got a double clear with Sam and just missed out on a placing coming 11th.

Looking forward to taking Corbs round South of England BE100!

Friday 26 March 2010

Topham-Brown Photography

I had a fun photo shoot with Les Brown (Topham-Brown Photography) on Tuesday. He took some great photos and hopefully I'll get a few on here and the website soon!

Cullawn Celtic King "Duffy"

© Topham-Brown Photography

Munstead - 27 March 2010

Off to Munstead tomorrow with Corbster! Took him XC schooling on Weds, he was a good boy and jumped everything. Mum will be taking Sam too and our times are about a minute apart!

The week has been ok although not fun in the rain yesterday! Marilyn brought Beau over and I did some jumping with him, he went nicely.

Holly's stable is booked at Somerley and accommodation is booked for Belton!

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Dressage with Bobby & Beau

Had a successful day yesterday, took Bobby out for his first dressage competition and he came 2nd!

I was also riding Marilyn Warwick's horse Beau. I've been schooling Beau for Marilyn and this is the third dressage competition I have ridden him at. The last 2 outings we came 3rd but yesterday Beau did a lovely test and beat Bobby to 1st place!

Mum took Sam too and he came 5th so we had a good morning. Going to take Holly up the gallops today and probably Corby too. Corby has been going really nicely and I've been testing out my new optimum time watch taking him round the greyhound track at home, hopefully he will be back up to Pre Novice (sorry BE100!) speed by South of England!

Tuesday 16 March 2010

FOR SALE - Cullawn Celtic King "Duffy" & Cullawn My Way "Corby"

Both Duffster and Corbster are sadly for sale. I'm hoping to compete Holly at *** later this year and need the funds to continue our progress and cannot unfortunately afford to compete all of them. I also have some youngsters coming through and not enough time.

They will both be competing at the South of England on the weekend of 10-11 April and Corby will be at Munstead on 27 March.

I have but a couple of videos on Youtube



Anyone who is interested please contact me, you can find my details on the website.

Saturday 13 March 2010

Twesledown Picture - Lulu Kyriacou

Great picture that I was tagged in on Facebook, taken by Lulu Kyriacou

Eventing Magazine April - Owner of the Month

Another press cutting! Very excited to have been chosen as the April Owner of the Month in this month's Eventing Magazine!

Fantastic start to the season fingers crossed it continues!!

Horse & Hound - 11 March 2010

Holly and I featured on page 49 of Horse & Hound this week in the report for Isleham, there is a nice picture too taken by Trevor Meeks!

Thursday 11 March 2010

Stop press - Twesledown Result - 2nd!!

Whooohooo 2nd place so pleased!! Holly was brilliant had a 35.5 dressage although I did feel that she went better and more relaxed than last weekend but it was a different test. Had a double clear and got around 9.2 time penalties XC.
She was great there were two nasty corners which caused some a few problems and there were a few fallers today.
Next stop Somerley!! Must get a stopwatch though can't believe I've been eventing this long without one will hopefully help to get less time penalties!

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Twesledown tomorrow with Holly Hot Lips!

Twesledown tomorrow. Good times, dressage at 11:38 am so 5:30 am start. Not as bad as the 4 am start for Isleham!
Looks like I will be doing my dressage test straight after a World Champion, Zara Phillips!
I really like Twesledown and figures crossed for a good result. The picture here is of Holly and I at the footbridge last year, not sure the picture accurately shows how big it is!
I'll keep you posted with the result!

Monday 8 March 2010

Isleham - 7 March 2010

Had a good day with Holly yesterday at Isleham, we came 3rd in the Intermediate. 31.8 dressage, one pole down SJ and 14.4 time penalties XC. The pole in the SJ was my fault put in one too many strides and got her too close to the fence.
Duffy had a good dressage 34.5 (4th after dressage) but unfortunately had three poles down a real shame as he has been jumping so well over the winter! Still first event of the season so plenty to improve on!
Next event Twesledown Intermediate with Holly Hot Lips!
I'm also entered into Somerley International CIC** (30-31 March) and Belton Park AU25 in April.
Not sure about you but I'm enjoying the sun too, life with horses is so much easier when it's dry!

Saturday 27 February 2010

WoW Saddle - SEEL Owner Rider 2009 prize

I got my WoW saddle delivered the other day. So pleased with it, the air in the panels is amazing!
Emma, who fitted the saddle, was brilliant and WoW have been fantastic. They were really thorough making sure it fitted perfectly and videoed me riding to keep a check on my position.
The stirrup leathers are great as they are only one single strip so not as bulky as standard leathers.
I've been out jumping in it and Holly is going really well with it. An added bonus is that it was tried on Duffy and it fits him too! Looking forward to trying it out on the XC course at Isleham next weekend!

Introducing Old Town Tango "Tango"

Here's Tango our Irish stallion! Tango is the sire of Lady's unborn foal and I'm really looking forward to seeing what a Tango x Lady turns out like! We're aiming to get him graded in October, I'll keep you posted on his progress!

I backed Tango in the Autumn of last year. He is going really well and I hope to the BYEH with him this season.

I took him loose schooling with Maria Green today at Sandhurst Farm, Lamberhurst and he was jumping nicely, he was being a little cheeky though galloping round and bucking!

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Courier - Sports Personality of the Year

Please don't forget to vote for the Courier's Sports Personality of the Year. Voting closes at midday on Friday (19 February).

Votes can be cast on voting slips found in the Courier or Chronicle and posted to Sports Awards, Promotions Department, Courier Media Group, Longfield Road, Tonbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3HL.

You can also text your vote. Text 'ks sports sp07' to 65100. Texts cost 50p plus your normal network rate.

Thank you.

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Dressage with Corby

I took the Corbster (Corby - "Cullawn May Way") to Ardingly yesterday. He was a good boy and we came 1st individually and the team (Rother Valley Riding Club) came 6th. It was a long day and very cold!

Here's a report from my RVRC!

I will be free schooling Tango and Bobby today which should be fun - pictures to follow!

Sunday 7 February 2010

Showjumping & Upcoming Events

I took Holly Hot Lips showjumping at Duckhurst today. We were jumping in the 1.00M, 1.10M & 1.15M on a BSJA day ticket.

She was great, as usual, but very keen! Clear rounds in each class!

I'll be taking Corby, Duffy & Bobby jumping this week.

I took Holly & Duffy on the gallops at Brightling last week. They are booked in for their first event on 6 March at Isleham. Duffster in the Novice Class and Holly in the Intermediate class.

I'm hoping to take Holly to Belton Park in April to do the Advanced U25.

Local Rider - January 2010

In January's edition of Local Rider there was a write up of the South East Eventers' League. Below is a copy of the page on which Holly and I featured.

Friday 29 January 2010

Courier - Sports Personality of The Year - Nomination

I was delighted to find out today that I've been nominated for the Courier's Sports Personality of the Year! After another great season and great results at the South East Eventers League.

I had my WoW saddle (which I won for leading the SEEL Owner/Rider award) fitted this week and it's brilliant, looking forward to using it at events this season.

The voting for The Sports Personality of the Year closes on Friday 19 February 2010.

Please vote!


I'm glad the snow has finally all gone!! You'll see that I did have fun in the snow but it did get annoying and ruined my schedule, I was hardly able to ride for a week.

Kath and I had fun sledging in the snow towing each other along. I managed to exercise on one of the flat fields at the top as I knew there were no rutts up there. Corby loved exercising in the snow!

Now back on track to get all the horses fit ready for the first event in March.